Recent Articles of Interest

Here are some recent articles I stumbled across that I think are useful to others:

  • Future of Home Networking: Overview of six new technologies that may be in your home in the near future.
  • Eight Core Beliefs of Extrodinary Bosses: Much of this seems to be common sense about the fundamentals of management, but common sense appears to be not so common.
  • Stumped by a problem? Technique of solving complex problems based on psychology. The technique used here is to address a limitation to thinking called “functional fixedness.”
  • Strengths-Based Goal Setting – This is from Gallup; everything I have seen from Gallup has been of unusually high quality and well researched. Note the blurb about employees who set goals based on Strengths are seven times more likely to be engaged and thus more productive.
  • How to Spot a Bad Boss – Interview questions to ask to identify a job you might not want to take. Recall that the number one contributing factor to your happiness in the workplace is your relationship with your boss.