There are a variety of self assessment tools available that measure various characteristics of preferences and tendencies. Listed here are the tools that I have encountered that appear to be effective in providing meaningful insight.
This is the classic tool used for many years to describe preferred behaviors of individuals. It is well researched and there are a variety of websites that provide free access to the Myers-Briggs assessment tests. The results consist of a four character sequence that will describe a personality. It distinguishes between:
Introvert vs. Extrovert
Intuitive vs. Sensing
Thinking vs. Feeling
Judging vs. Perceiving
Individuals fall into one of the two categories for each of these dimensions. The first letter of the result from the descriptors above is combined to form a four letter acronym that quickly summarizes the score. In my case, for example, I score as an INTJ: Introvert, Intuitive, Thinking, and Judging.
There is no “good” or “bad” scoring – these are merely descriptors, and one should not become fixated on possible nuances and connotations of the descriptors here. For a full description seek out one of the many, many websites with a detailed explanation of the methodology and what is meant by these terms.
Click here to access one of the websites offering the test and providing instant feedback. For grins, I took the test to determine if I might have “morphed” over time into a different set of classifications. I happened to score the same as when I took the test almost 20 years ago – I appear to be a solid INTJ through and through!